You probably came here from Kym's blog - - if not, you can start at the beginning of our blog hop at -- the next blog on our list is Tessa's - you will want to see what Tessa has created at - - you won't want to miss any of these awesome blogs this weekend! There are 32 blogs plus our home page with 4 bloggers post there!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!!
Today's project came about because I needed a quick little gift - being short of time (and money and sense sometimes too), this was fast and easy for me. I have had the box pattern for several years - not sure where I got it, but I like it. I am posting 2 of the holders so you can see a couple different ideas ... the Lovely Lilac set (a retired color now) I did a few years ago and the Melon Mambo was this week's .... sorry to say that all the stamp sets and designer papers I used are now retired but you can use whatever you have on hand if you want - or again, contact me to order or for a new SU! Idea Book/Catalog ..... but the punches I used are still available!!
Here is my pattern ... hope it makes sense ... I thought I found it on SCS but when I went to find it again, I couldn't locate it -- so this is the best I can do.
I hope you enjoy my blog today - and always. Leave me some feedback and I will draw a name to receive a little something from me. Once again, your next stop will be Tessa at
Hugs and prayers for a wonderful day - God Bless you, Sassy Shirley